What does the word ‘flexibility’ mean to you? This activity is a game of word association. Follow the process through to the end and see what fresh insights you can uncover that will help you in your working life.

> To get the most from this activity, remember these guidelines

Write the word ‘flexibility’ in the middle of a blank page.
Now, write ‘out from it’ in a word association fashion. Write the first word that comes to mind when you think of ‘flexibility’. Then write a second word which relates to the one you just noted down. Then another word which relates to the one before it, and so on. Keep going until you run out of ideas or something shifts.
Now go back to the central word and write out from it again. Choose another word that comes to mind when you think about ‘flexibility’. Follow it with a series of words that each relate to the one before – just as you did above. Continue until you come to a natural stop or something shifts.
Repeat this process a further two times. By the end you’ll have four lists – or trains of thought – coming out of the central word, ‘flexibility’.
Consider the words at the end of each list and choose the one that resonates most. Write about that word for 5 minutes.
When you have finished writing, you might like to read back over your words. What do you notice? What final thought will you take away with you now that the activity is over?
Now, take a few deep breaths and stretch your body.
You might like to do this quick grounding activity to bring yourself back to the present moment.