When life feels particularly pressured and stressful, it’s useful to have a list of nurturing activities that you can rely on. Here’s your chance to create just such a list.

> To get the most from this activity, remember these guidelines
What will you include in your ‘nurture now’ list? Look through the activities below as a starting point.
Listening to music
Watching a film or TV programme
Having a bubble bath
Practising mindfulness
Doing yoga
Going for a run
Writing in a journal
Calling a friend
Taking deep, cleansing breaths
Repeating positive affirmations
Now, take a blank sheet of paper and write a list of 10 self-care activities that you can turn to when you need some nurturing.
Once you’ve finished, put this list somewhere you’ll see it regularly. Remind yourself that self-care is not an indulgence, it’s a necessity!