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Managing Expectations

Expectations, whether our own or other people’s, can cause us to feel under pressure. Although this may help to motivate us, it can also have a damaging effect on our motivation and wellbeing if the expectations feel unreasonable or unmanageable. This activity offers an opportunity to explore what expectations you are aware of in your own life at this time and how you might choose to respond to them.

> To get the most from this activity, remember these guidelines

Select one of the images below:

Look at your chosen image for a few moments, reflecting on why it has resonated with you and how it relates to your own working life. What interests you about the image? What is happening in it? How might it link with the theme of ‘expectations’?

Now write freely, without judgement or thinking too much about your words, for 8 minutes. 


Read back over your writing, circling or highlighting anything which stands out. What do you notice? What insights, if any, will you take from this activity? You may wish to write for a few more minutes about what your words have revealed.

When you have finished, take a few deep breaths and stretch your body.

You might like to do this quick grounding activity to bring yourself back to the present moment.