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Words of Wisdom

In this activity, you are invited to consider two options. Take a look at both below and decide which one you’d like to write about today.

> To get the most from this activity, remember these guidelines

Imagine that you have just received a letter from someone you respect and trust who understands the challenges you are facing at the moment. What guidance does it offer? Write down what the letter says.


Imagine that you are sitting in a room with a few trusted friends or loved ones. It may help to close your eyes so that you can picture their faces and tune in to the sound of their voices. You have just told them about the challenges you are facing at the moment and how you’re feeling. Write down some of the things they say to you in response.


Once you have finished writing, look back over your words. Is there anything which you knew already but needed reminding about? Is there anything helpful which you hadn’t considered before? 

Choose one piece of advice which will serve you well at the moment and write it on a Post-it note or somewhere you will see it often. You may also like to use this as a prompt for some further writing, exploring what difference it could make to your present circumstances. 


When you have finished, take a few deep breaths and stretch your body.

You might like to do this quick grounding activity to bring yourself back to the present moment.